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Two Way Street


I think the scariest thing for a teenager, as well as, thier parents is the "two way street".  Leaving the nest, for any reason, can be traumatic; even a trip to the local quick mart on the corner.  Kids leave the comfort of the nest because of a few different reasons;

1. They are pushed out( some parents kick out thier kids or have a 'house rule' for the kids to be on thier own at a certain age.) 

2. They leave voluntarilly (college sometimes call's)

3, They just fall out (desire for independance with a friend becomes appealing)

4. They stay at home out of fear, and sometimes comeback for a bit of motivation and support.


5. Or, like me, and utilize all four methods.


Two way street is just the begining. Just wait for the highway. The type's of people you meet and experience are beyond anything you can imagine. Each generation gets more and more different and diverse.


Sorry to use the analogy of driving, but that is front and center in my mind, having a newly licensed teenager, weighs on the mind.


There are many good sayings that try and define proper ways of getting a point across. "Two sides, to every story"  is an example. Medical research towards a fix for MS is being push by HSCT. Who will bring to market the first working viable solution to MS ? The delay by the FDA to approve a U.S. procedure. doesn't stop other countries, and people (U.S. citizans ) from taking thier money and getting it done.


How does the U.S. goverment justify thier position against companies and repatriation, yet not take any action to bring this tax generating procedure that helps people to the U.S.?


Does the goverment and big pharma not undestand the "two way street" ? Obviously, the goverment doesn't. Just look at the last election results,  Drug companies are going to learn the hard way too.



On another note, I watched my two favorite videos for the umpteenth time. Here they are.  Dewitt Jones        Steve Jobs



Nap Time!!!!




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