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Coal and Sticks



Its has been requested, that I write about the year Santa brought me sticks and lumps of coal. At least at 8 years old, I thought it was Santa. I guess it was a bad year for behavoir for me. I did allot of things that I wasn't suppose to do. Like breaking things, and lieing about it, going to a carnival after being told not to.  I did allot of learning for a 1st grader..The hard way.


I must have been preparing for a life 40+ years later .It sure wasn't easy on my mom, me being a growing boy and doing what I thought was just being a boy.


Looking back, I'm sure it was just tough love. Discipline for a growing mischiveous boy  from a single mother must have not been easy. Military school was calling.


I've said it before, "kids today just don't understand". Must be be a generational thing that every generation deals with.


Getting that gift for Christmas was a good lesson, that life goes on even when things turn shitty. Learning can be painful sometimes. Maybe that's what it takes? The younger, the better? It sure has provided me a deep threshold for physical pain. :)


That may have been the best gift, I ever got. At least, the most memorable!!





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