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Stem cell treatment is getting better and getting more popular


After being a frequent visitor on the internet, I see and read more and more about stem cell treatments as well as existing drugs treating chronic conditions, It seems the demand is there for companies to develop  working therapies., and cures The power in the chase for the dollar is finally shifting to the cosumer(patient).


Now, if the goverment could get on board, and start doing thier job and helping the people that hired them before they get fired.

" The times, they are a changing", Bob Dylan


I am willing to try an exising, already approved by FDA, treatment or drug. I've gotten the green light from Larry Steinman M.D. the researcher and my nuero to try the latest treatment.

It couldn't be this simple.


I am rooting for Richard Cohen's stem cell trail,



Stem Cell treatment gaining fast(not fast enough)

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