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The "Shane effect".


Only GREAT memories. When ever times goI tough, I always thought of the  times spent with one of my best bud's in high school. I was going to write about a difficult time in life with MS, but hearring  about my friend on life support in an ICU unit, makes me gratefui that he is a good friend. If anybody can deal with this, it is him. We went through allot of growing up  in the 70's. Two typical teen boys intererrested in wrestleing, cars, and just having fun.


I know everything is finite, but I always thought we would have at least have one or two more good visits, Weat coast parties with East coast. His parents have always been people who I looked up too. We will socialize again. I would like my daughter to meet him and know what the meaning of a "good friend" is.




Many of his friends have come to his bedside to wish him well. Just the number of good friends who have come to see him, speaks to the meaning of his frienship.



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