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Rite of Passage


It's not getting presents or gifts at Christmas time, it is the act of decorating and packing up the decrations afterwards. Gift giving comes and goes with time and age, but the act of "getting ready" and "packing up" is the time well spent with the others that makes the holidays..


The two way street between people is narrowed, except when the laziness of driving an hour and a half is considered too much of a burden!!


At what point does a child's maturity equal or overtake the parent or when does adulthood become evident? Does someone have to experience the teenage years before true adulthood?


Christmas 2014 has come and gone. Fruit cakes, and bad sweaters are only surpassed by returned gifts that people don't want, or already have.


The new year brings "another year" for those who look forward to it, and those who just want to live through it. I'll just participate in another drug infusion, and listen to the iPod.mucsic.


One of the lessons that I am learning as I listen to people is the tones and inflections of the voice, say as much as the percieved verbal message. Maybe, I'm a better listener???  I do hear all of the political bullshit on TV news. Not that I want too!!!


Nap Time..













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