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Out of the Closet

I finally acknowledge MS is a BIG part in my life.

After trying to work and hide MS for the last four (4) years, I get to retire early on the money I have paid into Social Security for 30+ years. It wasn't wasted after all.


Although borrowed by ignorant politicians, whose only job is to spend other's money, because they can't find a job to earn it themselves.


Not whining, but I enjoyed managing and creating projects that provided value and synergy to the end users. My only regret is not pushing harder earlier in my career. I was able to do some things that were "out of the box" and first's.


My mother always said that you're not doing a good job when you’re bored and not challenging yourself. You should find another job then.


Although, I went to college. I have an MBA from my parent’s education, the smartest business people I know. I think the people that dealt with them would not disagree.


Niether knew that MS would play a part in my life.

My mother would always say,"big boys don't cry" and "just suck it up"

My father would just say,"deal with it, it's your probem"


That paradigm was never more true, than now.


Nap time!






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