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No Good deed, goes unpunished


That's one of my favorite lines.


I rationalize, that I must have performed one hell of a good deed


Does trying to minimize the effects and symptoms negate the disease? Mind over matter.  Really??


Keeping quiet about minor pains and being told by my docter that i am a difficult patient, because I'm not very forth coming about my problems and refuse to use different walking aides.


I was raised to not complain and accept "whatever hand your dealt". I do feel better sometimes when I wave a middle finger at the world. Maybe that's one of the ways I deal with it??? 


Accepting MS, and all the ways I deal with it and the symptons evokes allot of different reactions; some beneficial, and some not beneficial.

Just accepting the non-beneficial reactons, and not saying anyting to the contrary is part ofthe MS experience, I guess.








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