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Learning / Teaching


My observation is teaching is more motivation of learning that can only be executed when "learning" is accepted. My learning only occured when I was motivated to learn, and not being taught.


The three colleges i attended, the first to experience college life, the second was learning how to learn, and the third was actually learning. I can only remember the names of teachers from the school that I actually learned something. Only because I was ready. My story, and I'm sticking with it.


The people, I learned the most from, was not the best tachers, but the best motivators. They made me want to seek them out for thoughts and ideas. Some of them, happened to be good teachers, and some happened not to be treachers, but good motivators, and I was motivated to learn from them.


I know it's only my opinion. Wanting to learn, is much better than being lectured too, about something that is percieved as meaningless.

If the politicians followed this paradigm, then I think, we would elect better officials.


I have an MS friend going to Russia in two weeks for HSCT(stem cell) therapy. It's considered a pretty radical treatment, but safe. Why the U.S. doesn't allow this, but they allow drugs with a monitored mortallity rate. Where is the common sense??


What does ti take to motivate the politicians to make this happen? Somebody should tell them they are not helping the people, and missing out on tax dollars.


I guess motivation comes in allot of different forms.


Music time...










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