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Man, it's still cold.. Al Gore, just because you were elected V.P. doesn't make you a weatherman.  Global warming???


Any change, or extreme temperatures in the weather is not very nice when you have MS.


I was going to just post more pictures, but the hard drive that has them, is in use. It also has a bunch of MP3's from my CD collection.


Can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can hang the hammock and lay out on the deck, instead of just sitting in the Big Chair. I can blog from outside on the Big Hammock using the wireless network. As well as, post video's.


My frustration, I think stems from not from getting MS, but not getting better and only getting worse. The symptoms never get better and only get worse . Maybe the drug trial is either not working, or I'm just on the placebo??  Am I just biding my time and health waiting for "real drug" and hoping that helps?


Does diet really have a large impact? I have a few friends who are following this theory and eating carefully. Maybe, I'm just looking for better results?  It seems the biggest advocates for this paradigm just want to sell you something.






It's gonna warm up?

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