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Fill-er-up    PLEASE


It was explained to me that living with MS was like driving a car with a half empty gas tank, and when the gas runs out, there's no filling up", your out! and time for a nap. That's why I do most of the posting in the morning, before the 1st of many daily naps.


So much for driving a pick-up truck to haul stuff?


Has anyone noticed that kids have a hard time understanding the postal system, but an email address is 2nd nature? Not too long ago, it was just reverse of today, Everyone had a mailing address, and very few people had email addresses.

"Times, they are a changing" ,Bob Dylan.


Listening to music allot lately, I must give a shout out to good college friend, attorney Mark, who showed how much better music can sound on a good stereo. Even music you wouldn't normally listen to, can be appreciated when done right. " It's the Real Thing" still (inside joke)


I love my iPod with good headphones. 3000+ songs ranging from hard rock to classical. It's not even 1/2 full yet.


Hammock in the breeze, iPad with favorite music, margarita, and MS. What's wrong with that picture ? Damn MS.


Good news. The countdown to annual bi-annual beach house is ON. I think it's like the 8th one. (Looking forward to the chicken wings cooked in old grease.) I'll be sure to bring my Gandolf stick to hobble in the sand to the umbrella.




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