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#(hashtag) Eat Me



Thanksgiving dinner was a few days long with four (4) generations of family . it consisted of turkey and ham as usual, but also BBQ shrimp and stone crab claws. It was a good  mix of a "old and new" holiday, in all aspects. Not to forget the beach and bar with calamari and mushrooms, along with good drinks.'


I swear the food kept talking to me, saying, "eat me, eat me". I tried. We all did during all four(4) quarters of the first football game.

On to Christmas and the cold weather that comes with it??        Oh!! We'll be in Florida again.


On the MS front, Obama overturns Bush policy on stem cells. This should scare the drug companies who have been been lacking on the drug development, because of the desire to extend the profits of the drug's. But still no cure, although stem cells hold the best answer with no side effects.  


Now, maybe people won't have to leave th country for treatment that works, and doesn't involve a disease modification drug with high costs. The next step is for insurance companies to cover these treatments, or maybe even OBAMACARE???


Can't wait to golf and fish again, if this helps.


It also looks like gas prices are comming down, regardless of Obama's actions. Hopefully, they will drop further.















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