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My wife found the story of the Eagles( the band ) on T.V. Sowtime on demand is a feature with Direct TV..satelite.

Great history of the building of a rock super band. 3+ hours of good history.  Ken Burns watch out, although, I do love the Civil War.


Speaking of TV..Its shark week!!) or Shart week, depending on who you ask.


A few observations/questions

Again, stem cell treamets are gainning support with small victories.

Tired of the political bullshit on TV. Its alwaya the same people with the same comments. NOBODY walks the talk


Had some old coins(mint sets) appraised and they are barely worth thier face value.  So much for collecting old coins.


***Neighborhood warning***

Beware of electric cart towing cooler of beer.


I like the quote from Neil Young

"Better burn out, than rust"

I guess, thats why I am rusty.







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