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Bitch, Bitch, Bitch


Yes, I am mad at having MS. I was told that I must be mad at having MS, and act like it. I know MS is a family issue, but to be reminded of that is not something I could get used too.


Just when I think that the years of "paying dues" is making life more enjoyable, MS comes along and screws it all up.


I hate not being able to blend in to the scenery and just doing my own thing. Not getting noticed is fine. Now, I get noticed for reasons that draw attention to my MS. Hobbling and slurring are very common attributes that only get worse. All of the things that doesn't allow being almost invisible.


Don't get me wrong, I like sitting on my ass. Just not 12 hours a day.

Not being able move around freely is frustrating.  Driving is coming to an end as well.


Knowing that my future will include all of the assistive devices is not comforting.


No more fishing and golfing. Just when, I thought that I was getting good.(only in my mind)

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