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It's your birthday, it's your birthday


Time for a parental right of passage. A new 16 year old driver in the family. I'm sure there will be some "very anxious nights".  In one week, all of the practice becomes the real thing.  Her practice sessions should pay off.


The only other worry is, we hope her newly licesned friends had good driving teacher's as well.


A strange coincidence was, I remember eating Italian food on my 16th birthday. The Casa Mia restaurant.( don't ask me, how I remember )


Allot of nice gifts from neighbors, friends, and relatives were recieved. Even a $100 dollar bill. I think that will fill up the gas tank.

I was excited when I got a $10. Times have changed, gas is way more expensive. Way more !   WOW, do I feel old.


I turned the TV on the financial channel. Man, do the advertisers think we're dumb as dirt. Time for the iPod.


HSCT( stem cell treatment) is comming to the U. S. , not soon enough though. They are trying it in Chicago.


I've decided to incorporate the Jerry Sienfeld "bucket list" theory. Change the "B" to an "F" and not be in a hurry to finish.


Gotta go..Steely Dan is playing on iPod.







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