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"It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times" 

Thank You Charles Dickens for such a good way to define a current time and way of society.



That is a timelss definition, that pretty much can be applied at most times.


The " Best of Times" are enjoying a good chili-dog for lunch or dinner, and watching my daughter becoming a young woman with her own maturity slowly(\(\(very slowly) gaining cofidence and establshing her own mature thoughst and opinions. Learning to think, before speaking will come. That's part of the process.


The "Worst of Times" is not being to be an active participant in the maturing process. 


All of the political failures and hearing about all of the EBOLA, I guess contrutes to the "worst of times"' but i think the news agencies contribute to this and purposely magnify the severity.  


I think the current political issues encompass the Dickens quote completely, and also the MS situation. If you subscribe to my conspiracy theory?  I will label this "MSGATE" This nameing convention seems to be overused. but. what the hell!


HSCT treatment for MS is slowly catching on, but insurance has to catch up with coverage. I guess they would rather pay for the drugs that are constantly being proven to do little or nothing. I thought they were smarter busines people.


Nap time. 












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