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NO  Blue lights ever again


Blue Light Therapy is prescribed to treat precancerous lesions. Here is what you can expect during a blue light therapy session.When you arrive in our office a topical photosensitizing agent called Levulan will be applied to your precancerous lesions after cleansing the area. After the application, you will be asked to sit in the waiting room for 30 mins or up to 2 hours while the Levulan absorbs. Some patient’s may need to let the Levulan absorb overnight and will come back the next day for treatment. Once the Levulan is absorbed the area will be cleansed again prior to the treatment. Protective eyewear will be applied and you will then be placed in front of the blue light for treatment which will last approximately 17 minutes. After treatment you need to avoid exposure to sunlight or intense bright light for 40 hours.Are there side effects with blue light therapy? The blue light is of low intensity and will not heat the skin. However, during treatment you may experience sensations of tingling, stinging, prickling or burning of the treated lesions. This discomfort usually improves by the end of the treatment. Stinging and/or burning sensations could persist up to 24 hours after the blue light treatment.Following the treatment, the precancerous lesions and surrounding skin will redden, and swelling or scaling may also occur. These changes are temporary and usually resolve by 4 weeks after treatment. To manage discomfort, a fan may be provided during treatment, ibuprofen may be taken 30 minutes prior to blue light treatment and moisturizer may be applied to the affected areas as needed.!.


I had this doneto my head and it hurt worse than anything I have known exept MS

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